Urumi (2012)

Director: Santosh Sivan
Casts: Prithvraj, Prabhu Deva, Genelia, Nithya Menon, Vidya Balan
Music: Deepak Dev
Language: Malayalam (Tamil Dubbed)
Genre: Period Fantasy

India’s leading cinematographer, Santosh Sivan has an envious collection of movies containing breath-taking visuals who also knows how to translate his directorial ventures, having a sharp eye in visual storytelling. His name got even bigger when he earned a place in the prestigious American Society of Cinematographers (ASC) members list.  With big casting line up and an epic setting, have Urumi followed up to his previous records?

Urumi is a fictional period drama about the events which could have taken place if Vasco Da Gama have turned into India.  Despite a fantasy, the accuracy of that period is not deviated at many instances which make the film quite educative (e.g famous interview between the Zamorin of Calicut and Vasco da Gama in 1498, etc.) The film follows the trail of revenge by Kelu Nayanar (Prithvraj) whose father was killed by Vasco Da Gama.

Prithvraj is impressive playing a young angry warrior prince man who carries the responsibility in planning an uprising to exile the Portugese from the Malabar Coast. He also shows his versatility in playing a disobedient young man in the present day. He excels well in his focused emotions and does well in the fight scenes. In addition, his subtleties of emotion when romancing his lady love are praiseworthy.

Genelia as Ayesha, who plays a role of the Princess of Arackal who safeguards her family’s modesty, shows the aggressiveness in her posture from the start.  She plays the role with perfection and her hatred towards men as per the story is very well brought out. She also excels well in the fight sequences. This film has really brought her versatility on screen.

Prabhu Deva as Vawwali, the best friend of Prithvraj, acts as a comically relieving character with his witty one liners and body language. He makes a real great come back with this film. His temptations towards the Princess of Kolathunad (Nithya Menon) are really funny to watch.

Rest of the casts does their role well giving a desired period effect without missing the essence at any scene.

Urumi gives a breath taking visual experience. Santosh Sivan’s eye for details and innovation in cinematography has never stopped and it gets continued in a rather hungry way In Urumi. He has experimented at every part he can. Special mention to the visualization of the Aaro Nee Aaro Song which was shot in high speed manner. The art direction of the film is superb but not accurate as Santosh Sivan as already told in an interview that it was a deliberate act, especially some of the contemporary blouses worn by the female characters.

S.Sasikumaran’s dialogues are sharp and fixated. Deepak Dev’s BGM are epic and huge which gives the film the right effect. Some of the songs are hummable too. Last but the not the least, Sreekar Prasad’s edits are nicely paced and does not drag at any part which makes this period piece, engaging to watch.

In overall, Urumi is a well-executed film which is not only visual astounding but also educative in its content.

Verdict: Urumi is an engaging historical fantasy with arresting visuals.

Rating: 3.5/5


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